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The strange and surprising FRUIT Mexico



Visit one of the pleasures of a foreign country to taste the fruits of their factor Make literal fruits of work, of course. How capital and main cities of Mexico, Mexico City is a destination paragraph agricultural wealth of the country. In the bustling outdoor markets, you will find rare fruit in the United States, which has yet to be processed at Whole Foods-bound.

Focused on fresh water, cut into pieces by fruit carts in corners, or eat on the move in the markets of the city, the product of Mexico presents a kaleidoscope of flavors. While revenues passion fruit curd How Christina Tosi is proven by the heads have a real interest in its range of flavor profiles Develop A, there is still a large untapped potential Make another side of the border. Red fruit, folding a chocolate pudding Reminiscence join other meats have the sweet taste of potato pie, here is a beautiful view of Brand, strange fruit world Mexico



Taste: grapes, purple, floral and melon

It can be difficult to distinguish the difference between the word "dragon fruit" of the UN and "dragon fruit", although the fruits are very different. Pitaya the kind generally refers to Stenocereus, a variety of fruit cactus sometimes called Mark "Pitaya Agria" stained pink shells that seem small clusters of spines. Juicy flesh and dark ruby ​​scattered with small edible black seeds a little dragon fruit tart or what we know as a dragon fruit.




Taste: Asian pear, watermelontunafruit

Taste: Asian pear, watermelon

More impressive UN Dos Gringos, tuna is not, but the fruit of Opuntia cactus. Barrel in the form of a thick skin and do vary from green to dark brown, make a fruit flesh can be pink, orange, yellow, or more commolyn, green is often sold pre-peeled and cut in bags Plastic UN Markets Easy corner Parr. Bark has a small group of thorns similar to what can prick the skin One UN. The meat is juicy watermelon seeds UN difficult similar net pellets (Do not worry, they are edible). The flavor of pink bubblegum flavor surprising. Xoconostle is a bitter version of this fruit, usually in preparations jam, and are not eaten fresh.


luloTaste: tart, rhubarb, sour orange flavor

Although markets and is grown in most tropical regions DO Mexico, fruit of a, sometimes called narajilla jumps, or "little orange" and originates from South America. It is like a small green tomato or tomatillo, with skin color A bright orange This small open space REVEAL paragraph, jelly and green seeds. Because of its bitter taste rhubarb-esque, often squeezed sugar and water to make the cool waters. (Photo: Scarlett Lindeman)


bananasSee: Apple Sao custardy with strawberry and apple notes; Dominicans are creamy and sweet as Cavendish Making; Located Mark Cavendish milder and drier than.

A maple domination of Cavendish UN, our America is so complete that a glimpse of one of the other types of trees 400 aircraft is How do I know you have an additional annex. Cavendish and Plantain, what Americans know how bananas station readily available in the markets of Mexico City. In addition, it Manzanos average size of Platanos with pink, custardy flesh; Dominican bananas, the fruit clusters of small, thumb-sized; andplatanos housed, which are slightly drier and softer.




From the "tzapotl" is a term Nahuatl ZapOte a cast of paragraph ALL, red edible fruits. Black apple is one of them: a baseball sized round fruit called "chocolate pudding fruit" for meat, dark meat to sweeten and soften them before CAIR itself as it matures UN has a bright green, a radiant skin. As smooth wrinkles. UN Common Market August January, flesh colored jet black Brand fruit is sweet and nutty, with notes of plum MAIL baking chocolate. It can be cut in half and eat with a spoon or register to paragraph cooked meat can be down with sugar and cinnamon dessert, rustic paragraph.



An edible portion of passion fruit, passion fruit and is often sold as frozen in the United States. The floral taste, sweet and spicy Feature What is characteristic tropical fruit born of the UN in America missing. The fruit is purple baseball size leather skin. A torn era, internal cavity of the UN has a mass of slippery black seeds wrapped in the yellow flesh, wet, and can be sucked UN center. Very similar in flavor, A "Chinese Roma" Chinese sphere-shaped Granada has a paragraph or hard shell, such as plastic, it should be cracked Access gray-blue open folder in paragraph crispy house, oval, edible seeds, Make a little softer than passion.



A heart-shaped cone, or soursop, comes in a variety of ways, most often covered with green tuberculate skin. Cut in half, you have a heady floral aroma with creamy white flesh with light shooting, black seeds like pebbles. The fruit can ripen avocados How to counter sin, and we are ready when slightly soft to the touch. They can also be frozen as well, vacuum and frozen meat that has a mixture such as banana, pineapple and peach. The related soursop is larger, with darker green flesh and protruding spines. The interior is white, with many large grains and soft pockets, soft and creamy flesh, often become fresh water, ice cream, popsicles and palette.



A dark brown jacket ABRANGE this great fruit called mamey oblong. A leather grip is so strong that not tell you if this mature. On the market, suppliers of cutting a corner Each fruit so that buyers are able to control salmon colored flesh inside, leaving the United Nations stalling back into the incision when buying. The meat is firm and starchy, and the taste of sweet potato pie with a large hole in the center. Poco is also a quality of food, often used in Oaxaca beveragetejate. Mamey often meat and mashed potatoes with cream and sugar and frozen in pallet corals. A little weird, though similar, is relatedsapodilla or "mamey sapote of" or "sapodilla", with a dark brown leather and gold, juicer meat has a taste pear mixed with brown sugar and cream.



About the size of a large skin greenish yellow orange and red ripe kumquat UN, this variety of plum as nothing like plum. A skin is thick and firm with a large seed in the middle of his reach encompassing over its volume. The best way to eat is paragraph puts his mouth on hers, Keep it in your face like a hamster, forums and tearing of the skin and the flesh with its molars. It has a fishing and taste of mango and one season August December UN

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